2 Nov 2013

This Beautiful Life

Today I wake up to gray and drizzle.  Characteristics that naturally bring comfort and warmth.  For that I am extremely grateful.  I wake up slow.  I lay in bed and breath thankfulness.  I stretch, make peppermint tea and munch on baked apples while snuggling a kitty.  Moments like these are precious gifts and I fully intend to be present and breath in this beautiful life.

7 Aug 2013


Find me between the boughs
Of weeping willows green
Betwixt the gnarly cushions
They bare

That is where I hold myself

That is where S/he holds me

I came upon a forest
That lead me to my heart
I saw myself as a deer
And breathed the purest air

Thank God for the forest
The deer
The chipmunk
They teach us who we are
