a pastor at the local church where my work (Highbanks) is located had asked me to write a little something for a small collection of writings he was putting together of voices from the community to pass onto his congregation. this is what came out of me.
I applied to Highbanks for two reasons. Quite practically, I needed a job. I had just made it home from the country of South Korea where I had spent one quite lonely year of living and teaching. Secondly, Highbanks' website promised a community to young mothers in need, and although not a young mother, I was quite in need of a community.
I have come to discover that where there is community there is God. For where love exists there He is also. So you can see why Highbanks appealed so much. I needed more of Him.
I am so privileged to work beside two wonderful woman who desire to love a small demographic of Calgary whom many ignore and push aside. It baffles me the more I work within the social system how those most in need of love and care are the ones most obviously disregarded. I believe this stems from deep socialized misconceptions.
Growing up in a Christian home, taking the role of missionary for several years and graduating from a Christian College I have had my fair share of the religiosity of Christianity. I have to admit, I was one of the best Christians. Always put in leadership in church, in missions organisations overseas, I had gained a reputation of an 'exceptional spiritual woman.' I genuinely carried this role quite humbly until eventually the pressure was too much and I began to love the image.
I am so grateful for the day God kicked me off my throne and showed me my brokenness - revealed the misconception that some were better than others for such and such a reason. Suddenly the 'them' in this world had been erased and there was only a 'we' community of which I was a part. WE who are saved only by His grace alone, not by my own 'holiness' or self-righteousness. (It didn't exist after all). I found all humans were in the same sinking boat. And it makes sense, if anyone could have made it by their own goodness Christ needn't come.
Since grace took on a whole new meaning it has become so easy to see God in those around me. So breathtaking to see Christ at work. The words of Matthew have become so real that when we give a cup of cold water, when we sit and listen, when we give a warm embrace we are taking part in the community of the Kingdom - the one which sinks in His grace.
That is what Highbanks has become to me. It is what every part of our lives really is - The perpetual potential to see Love (God) at work.
No one
Knows her name-
A girl who lives on the streets
And walks around in rags.
Once I saw that girl in a dream.
Her and God were constructing
An extraordinary
-St. Francis of Assisi
3 years ago